University of Manchester Logo basement membraneBASE bmBASE
Protein Classification*
Protein Localisation

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4.

Protein Name
Protein Classification
No. Antibodies
Endogenous Labelling
CG17739 TagInt spondin-1 Drosophila Glycoprotein 0 ab. Y
Frac faulty attraction Drosophila Glycoprotein 0 ab. N
Ppn AbTagInt Papilin Drosophila Glycoprotein 2 ab. Y
Swim Secreted Wg-interacting molecule Drosophila Glycoprotein 0 ab. N
Graphic Meaning
Ab Antibody evidence
Int Basement membrane interaction
Enz Basement membrane protease
Tag Tagged gene or ortholog (via endogeous labelling)